Why subscribe?

Subscribers get exclusive access to a new course I am developing and will deliver over the coming months.

“The Prophet of Causation” looks at Ayn Rand’s philosophy of Objectivism from a particular perspective: the central role of the law of cause and effect as a theme that carries through from her metaphysics to her politics and esthetics. The title is a play on her own description of the rational man as a “disciple of causation,” which makes her its prophet or messenger.

As I have begun to investigate this idea, I have found it tremendously helpful in understanding Ayn Rand’s philosophy and in providing clues to new, previously unexplored aspects of Objectivism. This includes her unique (but never fully articulated) case for property rights, her view of “human nature,” the unexplored connections between her philosophy and the theory of evolution, her distinctive version of Romanticism in literature, and even her view of what causation is in the first place.

The course will be delivered via Zoom in ten lectures, from late February to the end of June. Subscribers who sign up before then will be able to participate live. Subscribers will also be able to access video and audio recordings of the lectures, and I will post some written material here in support of the class, as well as answering questions and hosting discussions.

You will notice that the monthly subscription cost for this course is the same as the annual cost, which basically just means that I want you to buy one annual subscription, which will get you access to the entire course and all the related materials. That will be a one-time payment. I expect all of the main material for this course to be delivered in the first year, and subscribers will all be transferred over to lifetime subscriptions that will get you permanent access to all the materials and to any follow-ups, including updates and selections from the future development of this material into a book.

Sign up now to be part of this exploration of Ayn Rand’s philosophy and to help in the development of new explanations of and elaborations on Objectivism.

Subscribe to The Prophet of Causation

A course and book presenting a new perspective on Ayn Rand's philosophy, focusing on the central role of the law of cause and effect as a theme that carries through from her metaphysics to her politics and esthetics.


Robert Tracinski is the editor of Symposium, a columnist with Discourse Magazine, and also publishes commentary at The Tracinski Letter.